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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: The dawgs blow it again
In Response To: Re: The dawgs blow it again ()

Got no use for them, It's all entertainment and I have no interest in them. now. Screw 'em. Even if they get in and win the Championship.....it's not worth the energy depletion.

Bama outcoached GA. Simple as that. The dawgs had the talent and the coaches screwed the pooch. Reminds me of Erk Russell and Vince Dooley screwing us over in the 70s. 3 yards and a cloud of dust still results in a 4th and 1.

georgia has recruited the talent...what we need is new coaches.

We need a QB that can throw the ball. It's what wins games these days.

The OL did not give up the points...it was the secondary. We need to recruit there.