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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: The dawgs blow it again
In Response To: Re: The dawgs blow it again ()

I played with a guy in high school who got a scholarship to UT then on to Seattle Seahawks for the majority of his pro career. Nice a guy as you'd ever want to meet.

When we left high school we were close to the same build...I was beefer than he was but he had me by a couple of inches on height. I was out in a quad one day at UT...from behind me I hear...Hey, Fisher...what ya doing. It was my friend. Took me a second to recognize him because he had turned into a monster! He was easily 4 to 5 inches taller than me and whatever they did in the weight program beefed him up like nobody's business.

His football nickname was Bullet Head...he got that from the way he used to tackle people...he'd get horizontal and speer em with his head. Booom! He's never be able to play these days. LOL!

Some many years afterwards, I was at the gym sitting in the hot tub and I saw Greg coming out of the dressing room. I could hear men behind me whispering...that's Greg ..hey man...that's Greg. He pops in the tub next to me...Hey, Fisher...what's up. Fist bump. Long conversation. I have to admit, I was soaking that in...I thought...yea...y'all may know who he is but I know him.

I know others from the high school team felt the same as I did but I was always proud of his success. It was always fun watching ball on TV and hearing the announcers you had heard most of your life...oh...that's gonna leave a mark...no wonder they called him Bullet head in college.

Very proud of his success.

Whenever I'm on his side of town I keep hoping to hear...Hey, Fisher...what ya doing.