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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: The dawgs blow it again
In Response To: Re: The dawgs blow it again ()

You're mighty hard on a team with a 12-0 record coming into a conference championship and ranked number 1 in the nation. A team who was beat by last years and the year before and some years before totally the most national championship wins of any football team in history....one may start to accuse you of protestetith-ing too much.

Maybe Bama just had the right combination yesterday...maybe next time you meet...possibly for the national championship...it's the other way around and The Dawgs take it all?

It's obvious you've not spent the last 30 years wandering in the football desert trying to get to a better than break even season and making it to a third rate bowl game.

If UT had made it to the conference championship game with a 12-0 record and subsequently lost said conference championship game...even if to a team with an 0-12 season record...we'd be so pleased with the 12-0 regular season record we'd be enlightening the universe as to the greatness of our football team and declaring...regardless of the playoff outcomes...that we are the champions of the world if not...the known and unknown universe...no argument allowed.

While all you say may be true about needing a better QB, something all UT fans can definitely relate to...12-0 regular season and on to the national championship playoffs...I don't know, man...that's something to be pretty proud of.

Tell ya what...lets swap teams...I'll give you U of TN's entire system for The Dawgs...I'll even throw in 10 million to boot.

Whatdaya say...