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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

WMT ammo

This week I bought a 100 round box of 20 ga. for $30. Got a game load box of 12 ga. for $10. No bullets to speak of.

In a hyperinflation, you buy before the noon price increases. Grocery is on the opposite side of the store, but, I am prepared. We're "off-the-clock" during breaks.

I bought some heirloom seeds to grow this summer. In containers with potting soil. From Wally.

i need to store 25 gallons of gas but it will not pull back,. Should I buy next years kerosene now? I can store 85 gallons in the garage.

Buy ceramic heaters now during the Spring sales. Heat your bedroom and let the rest of the house limp. Too cold, and the freezer stops freezing, lol.

I desire a 35mph golf cart to run around town and charge it with solar. Is this too much to ask???

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WMT ammo
Re: WMT ammo
Re: WMT ammo