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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: grocery shopping...
In Response To: Re: grocery shopping... ()

The only thing that is worrying me about loading the freeze like this is electrical outages. I keep telling myself that I need to get a generator but just haven't. A lot of the electricity we get here in TN is hydro, so it's kind of immune from the BS going on.

I caught t-bone and Porterhouse for 10 a pound last week. That's not bad. I only bought four porters and called it good on that. While a good price in comparison to recently...that price is still sticker shock to me.

That's why I'm going to all these cheaper meat solutions...I ain't playing their game.

Generally speaking, when it comes to bullet weight, the heavier the bullet weight the thicker the metal jacket of the bullet. The thicker jacket is designed to hold together better for bigger animals with thicker skin and bigger bones and a large body to pernitrate to organs. blah, blah and on and on.

Bro in law was complaining once about his .270 passing right through deer creating a small wound channel and the deer would travel far before falling. I ask what weight bullet he was using...I can't remember the .270 bullet weights but he was using a big ole heavy bullet made for larger game than deer. I told him to start using the 140(?) grain bullet. He was much happier with the performance.

Not sure these things matter that much for the mighty 30-30 but that's the basic theory. I had the neph do the same thing when he hunted deer out here. Use the lighter weight bullet for the thin skinned deer. He started getting more "drop em where they stand" kills.

I'm still of the opinion when it comes to ammo these days...take what you can get.

Amazing the low numbers of boxes of ammo you get coming in. How often does ammo come in. On a regular basis or just shows up when it shows up?