Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

The Trading Forum is intended for the open discussion of commodities trading. The management of this Forum does not agree or disagree with the ideas exchanged, and does not exert editorial control over the message posted herein. Read and post at your own risk. The risk of loss in trading or commodities can be substantial. We discourage the use of this Forum to promote trading that is acknowledged to be risky. Please note: many links from the Forum lead to pages on other web sites. We cannot take responsibility for nor endorse the information presented on those sites.

TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

CAD/USD : Critical Point 0.9672 *LINK*
AUD/USD : Critical Point 1.0617 *LINK*
some Humor for the long weekend *LINK*
Re: some Humor for the long weekend/Ronbo
Re: ng * wayne
Re: ng * wayne
Re: ng * wayne, you got it :)
Re: ng * wayne ?
Re: ng * wayne ?/Coral/Ceejay
Re: ng * wayne
Re: ng * wayne
Re: ng * wayne/UNG
Re: ng * wayne/UNG
Re: ng * wayne
Re: ng * wayne
Corn Rallies look for Higher Prem, And sell Z Opt. *NM*
Corn Option Sellers In June Can Take Profits :)
Re: ng * wayne
EUR/USD : Critical Support 1.4450 *LINK*
Nat. Gas Market and Options *LINK*
Re: Nat. Gas Market and Options
Re: Nat. Gas Market and Options *LINK*
Re: Nat. Gas Market and Options
Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts handy?
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si./Ronbo *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si./rabbit
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si./rabbit *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si./rabbit *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand *PIC*
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand
Re: Hey Trades ya 'round? got any si. charts hand
Re: Z Beans
Re: Z Beans
Re: Mike/Email/Wayne
Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Stock market - blowing through resistance?
Re: Mike/Email
Re: Mike/Email
Re: Mike/Email
Preferences Handy
Good job Mike R.--14 years later--lol
Re: whoa! LOL
August Crude/At Resistance/STILL *PIC*
Re: Forum Q?
Consumer sentiment index declines to 71.5 in June
U.S. to exhaust borrowing power Aug. 2: Treasury
Forum Q?
Re: Forum Q?
Re: Forum Q? Thanks, Randolf *NM*
Re: Forum Q?
ADMIN! Re: Forum Q? Rabbit/Coral
Re: Forum Q?
Re: Forum Q?
June ISM factory index rises unexpectedly to 55.3
Silver (COMEX) : Critical Point 31.769 *LINK*
Re: Z corn
Grains and Meats / Market Pick *LINK*
Is there an ETF for Wheat/Corn spread?Thanks *NM*
Trading Tip : Getting Technical *LINK* *PIC*
Corn *PIC*
ADMIN! Re: Corn
What is the right green bottom corner for ?
Test of anti-spam measure
Re: Test of anti-spam measure
Re: Test of anti-spam measure
Re: whoa!
ADMIN! Re: what does the "Trouble Ticket" do?
Re: New Forum/ thanks Wayne *NM*
yep will take while. why the threads line up like
Re: yep will take while. why the threads line up l
Re: yep will take while. why the threads line up l
Re: yep will take while. why the threads line/Mike
Re: yep will take while. why the threads line/Mike
Re: yep will take while. why the threads line up l
Re: yep will take while.U.S.CoralSea
Re: yep will take while.U.S.CoralSea - Trades
New Forum
Re: New Forum
Re: New Forum
Re: New Forum/CiaoMichael/Mike R
Re: New Forum
Re: New Forum/Mike R
Re: New Forum/Lee
Re: New Forum/Lee/Trades
Re: New Forum/Lee/Trades
Re: New Forum/Lee/Trades/Mike
Re: New Forum
Re: New Forum/Trades/Mike R
Re: New Forum/Trades/Mike R
Re: New Forum/Trades/Mike R *PIC*
Re: New Forum/Trades/Mike R
Re: New Forum/Webmaster
ADMIN! Re: whoa!
Re: whoa! LOL
Welcome to the "new" forum
Re: Roger's calls/Wayne
Re: Roger's calls/Wayne
Re: Roger's calls/Wayne
New Presidental Canidate/N.T.R.
Re: Roger's calls/Wayne
Roger's calls
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?
Natural gas turns positive after inventories data *PIC*
Lee called the NGas PERFECT @78 on the bone!
Re: Lee called the NGas PERFECT @78 on the bone!
Re: Lee called the NGas PERFECT @78 on the bone!
Re: Lee called the NGas PERFECT @78/Casava/CJ/Hal
Chicago PMI unexpectedly jumps in June
Randolf, Have you heard from Spike? *NM*
Re: Randolf, Have you heard from Spike?
Re: Amazon pulls all contracts from Calf. / Tax's
Amazon pulls all contracts from Calf. / Tax's
Grains Limit Down Today!? *PIC*
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/ Randolf
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/ Randolf *PIC*
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit++
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit++
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit++
Re: Grains Limit Down Today!?/Rabbit
Re: U.S. jobless claims edge down 1,000 to 428,000
Grains and Meats / Market Pick
U.S. jobless claims edge down 1,000 to 428,000
The USDA is soooo full of shit!!
The USDA is soooo full of shit!! - limitup
Re: The USDA is soooo full of it!! LOL
Re: The USDA is soooo full of it!! LOL
Re: where to cut guvment spending
Re: Thrashing Markets -Bob Hoye's/Ronbo
Ng Chart/Trades
Re: Ng Chart/Lee *PIC*
Re: Ng Chart/Lee/Trades
August Crude/At Resistance *PIC*
Re: CCU/Andy *PIC*
Re: CCU/Trades
NGN11 NatGas Contract
Delta Neutral Trading with ETFs
Re: Gold Triangle - Just for Fun add Silver
Sept Coffee/ Fails at Resistance *PIC*
Re: Sept Coffee/ Update/ Reversal up! *PIC*
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Re: Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs
Corn/Beans/At Seasonal Highs - roger
Global central banks extend crisis-lending program
Greece and Interest Rates
Re: Greece and Interest Rates
Re: Greece and Interest Rates
Grains and Meats / Market Pick
Gold Triangle - Just for Fun *PIC*
Greece Headlines and the Euro *PIC*
Wheat: Next target 583 area and 555 area ? *NM*
Re: weather July 4th-11th/CeeJay