Roger. If you really were that good you wouldn't be trolling the web for subscribers. Let's get serious. And you double talk all the time talking about many months out all the time but then only referring the the front month contract to prove a top or bottom held. Of course a front month can contain a price high or low until it expires. Happens all the time within a specific contract. And then the new front month comes along and goes higher than that high or lower than the low you mentioned you just say "Oh, that doesn't count as I'm only using the front month. People aren't stupid Roger. Give everyone else a little credit. I realize for what you are charging per month you only need about 100 subscribers to make a 6 digit salary every year. So I understand the desperation to try to get such a small number of subscribers to put you on easy street. But there are brand name analysts that tour the world advising clients and doing 'professional presentations' world wide that even give their stuff away or charge a small monthly fee. You have huge expectations to get large sums of money off anyone just for your newsletter etc. Everyone will simply ask themselves why you don't' just trade your own account and get rich instead if its so exceptional. I really don't mean to give you a bad time but nothing pisses me off more than b.s. and gross exaggerations and 'predictors' that jump up and down waving their arms around for attention and posting multiple posts for attention to accomplish this type of attention in the dim hope a few people will actually believe you. I suggest you just trade your 'magic' and get rich instead if possible rather than post all the boisterous hype on your magic trading system. Like Shakespere said: "I THINK THOU PROTEST TOO MUCH".