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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: April Crude/Still Holding the Breakout/STR

Trades may have said enough on this .........
I saw your earlier post on this and failed to comment.

I don't think there is any problem at all bringing up a stock, especially if related to a Commodity and certainly one that is under discussion. E.g. Ng and bringing up CHK, or Devon but not in the context of should I look at CHK or Devon as a good stock to buy, But something like CHK revenues are down they might have to increase production - in my opinion is more than valid and welcome !!!!

In short, use good judgement. Webmaster will warn if he thinks it is out of the context of the forum and others will likely comment before that - and not in a nasty way !!!

And in closing (I have to work on this a bit) !!!!

In the interest of "World Population Control" that was ignored in the recent "Cardinal Elevation" .....
May your M&M's mate and produce more and bigger BTU's providing more Energy for the world, yielding free Latex thereby Reducing the population growth !!!!

If you wonder, the above closing thought was triggered by a news segment of a single mother in Newark, NJ caught in a building fire (all ok) but with Seven kids all on the dole. I think it is time to get "Religion out of Politics" for one, and the Religious organizations that restrict "birth control" to pay the freight for their actions/teachings.