did you check out the adjustments for the loonie on cnq trades
see the extra 1% gain on nyse cnq yesterday for the 1% pop in loonie...
see how it moved a bit more versu the canadian cnq...
yeah the usa has bigger volume but the adjustment of the price is on the southern stock price..
so if the loonie dropped to .50 cnq would 18 there and 36 here..
cnq moved up a little the oil stock seem dead so ive been taking the .50 profit to lighten up alot on my positions...
see the vix wow getting low again.. need to be carefull in these mkts..
hnu move up a big no nat gas buy signal on 7-10 rules yet..
selling off a bit of that crap too..
heres another stock tse HBM pure copper play on the tse check out the 7-10 profits..