OK I see you are looking at TSX CNQ. And it did the 7 day thing down with Wednesday breaking up. Did not work at all on the NYSE CNQ though. Much different chart and price bars. If I had checked for this scan on the Tuesday close it would have caught it on the TSX scan. But with other technicals 35 area is also price support being the Dec lows and is also very oversold. I don't listen to fundamental stories much but did hear some problem with CNQ and it sold off to the oversold level it seems whatever the story was. It is a solid Oil company and always has been so all together should hold 35 Cd ok. Heavily owned by the institutions that also love it and keep it in their portfolios permanently. Looks like a winner around 35 as long as it holds above it,thanks. The scans on Stockcharts only cover regular trading hours and doesn't include pre-market or post market trading. And the TSX stock prices are affected by the Canadian dollar. Not sure just how this affects something as sensitive as this 7 day system with its strict parameters on highs and lows.