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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: uh oh!
In Response To: Re: uh oh! ()

One year we killed and butchered seven hogs on my sisters farm. I shot them right behind the ear with a .22. Another guy ran over and cut the juggler. We would hang them up and let em bleed out then we stuck them in a big tub of boiling water. Lifted it out of there and scraped the hair off(didn't skin them)...butchering ensued. That was one long assed day but man, we got some good eats as a result.

About a hundred feet behind my house is two old chicken barns that are close to 300 feet long each. The old boy that used to own this place must have had 30K chickens in those things. I have been tempted to get about 20 chickens and let them free range. Fend for themselves and lay eggs as they please. I don't eat many eggs but I figure some fresh chicken would be good. My thinking is with all the hiding places in those two barns they would reproduce and before long I would have 100's of them running around before long. Sure, some would be lost due to predation but I bet a large part of them would survive.

When I want a chicken, I could just step out the back door and 22 one.

We have been eating deer meat since last November with the occasional beef steak thrown in. The more natural food I eat, the more I can't stand the garbage that comes out of the store.