Most excellent assessment, Amos.
Here is where I think you hit the nail most squarely on the head...."Unlike most presidents, Trump comes from a successful record (failures and victories) in the REAL WORLD-"
I think what we saw and have seen is a bunch of people who have become lost in the theory of governance meet the real world. That was my only, at one time, beneficial thing I could see in Trump...he comes from the real world and is not a life long politician.
I still have some worries with him. One of which is the OCrappercare repeal. He says, sorta, he wants to keep the "preexisting condition" clause. This is akin to buying house insurance when or after your house is on fire. This is not affordable and I don't think I should pay for others refusal to buy insurance as they should and like others do. At the same time, I'd hate to see people die from lack of healthcare. It's a tough call but as usual I believe the government has no business dishing out health care. When someone can show me in the constitution where the government is charged with this duty, I'll change my mind. The "general welfare" clause does not apply because that is not what it means. I surely do hope he doesn't try to push off Single Payer, as some say he supports, I'll have to turn on the guy.
Anyway, good synopsis of the day. :-)