creature of habit...
I, like most or all others, am a creature of habit. I have posted in here for god knows how many damned many, I'm sure. I'll probably croak typing up something to post in here. Another thing I have become addicted to is The Drudge Report. First thing I check when I get on the computer...have done it every since he started and I have no idea how many years that has been.
I found out something about myself, though. I HATE COMMERCIALS! I haven't..and will anything...ANYTHING...on TV unless I have either paused it(or recorded it) for a long enough period of time so as to be able to skip the commercials. Praise be unto the mighty DVR recorder and pause function.
Advertisements on websites are included as commercials. They are the bane of human kind. I've run an adblocker for several years claims to have blocked 3.8 million advertisements! 3.8 million!!
The other day Drudge started blocking their site if you run an adblocker. Hmmm...which will win out Drudge or the adblocker?
My hatred of commercials won out. Bam! Took Drudge off my number 1 tab and will not go back until he stops this bullchit.
My feelings about advertisements...If I want your product, I'll look it up and buy it. You incessantly shoving a commercial in my face 24/7/365.25 will not provoke me into buying your product. GFY!