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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: WMT ammo
In Response To: Re: WMT ammo ()

Good on you ICD...even though the prices are high and you may lose a buck or two whenever they go back down...In the long run it's always better to be full of ammo than not.

The way things are going...peeps may be needing ammo sooner rather than latter. I'm holding out till it gets to the point I can trade a 50 round box of 22's for a house...a 1000 round carton of 223 for 100 acre farm...with house...and a cow...they can throw in the farmers daughter, too, but only if she can cook! LOL!

Peeps buy quantity because they are afraid and maybe they know they can't shoot worth a chit.

One time there were four of us out squirrel hunting and we were crossing a field of tall grass...up popped this doe about ten feet from us. She was bedded down when we walked over her. We all drew down on her but nobody shot. She stood there looking at us...we stood there looking at her until she finally ran off after 30 seconds or so. I had some big honking #4 high brass in the shotgun so I could pierce through the cedar tree tops and reach the squirrel. From ten feet away, had I decided to fire, she would have been on the on the dinner table...not a doubt in my mind...would have blown the top of her head right off.

So, there's any number of uses for a powerful 12 gauge round including self defense.