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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Feeders/NTR/Randolf
In Response To: Feeders *PIC* ()

RANDOLF!!! Didn't you watch the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION?. Jeez, even I as a Canadian got pumped watching it for awhile. Then again I can only observe so much political b.s. from any party. And the Rah,Rah,Rah we're number one stuff gets a little old after awhile. But I did like Clint Eastwood's talk to the Convention. He is one of my favourites and did a great job tonight.. By the way I was thinking of getting on the Coho Ferry from Victoria to Port Angeles one of these days as it's been many years since I've been over there so was reading up on what's over there and in Port Townsend. You got my curiosity up. I see even with a major Port and an airport etc there are only about 20k people there. And in Port Townsend only about 9k people there. And they are the mirror image of Victoria that has over 350k people here. It just doesn't add up with the U.S. having 9 times the overall population. Wonder why so few people live right on the coast on the U.S. side? Any idea why the low population?