Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Trading, trout
In Response To: Re: Trading, trout ()

Hi Duck,

Yes I make more money trading than from trading-u. This year it hasn't even been close. It is not every year however we have as obvious a move as we have seen in the dollar index.

Whenever I think about not teaching I'm reminded that my students paid $199 for 6-months for life time membership, which means my lifetime. Thxs to the eCampus it is just as easy to teach 10 people as 1 so it does not take up much time and I'm on the screen anyway at that time.

My motive springs from when a student thanked me and told me he could live another 100 years and he would not have figured it. I know w/ certainty that most of you won't figure it out,.

Giving is far more gratifying than receiving as every humble man knows.
