Hi Doc,
Thank you. You are a thoughtful man.
No I wont' stop posting here. And thank you for the thoughtful e-m's from the other members.
It would be nice though to see what others trading philosophies and methods are, rather than just criticism. My last book I spelled out a trading theory and at the time I was looking forward to feedback -- critical or not -- and from those who perhaps had different theory's and the validation and statistical work behind them. But all it was was unconstructive, opinionated distractions.
My overriding philosophy is Chaos Theory -- a higher order whose pattern is everywhere. There is continuity to these patterns for sure. For example in most places around the world come 6 AM alarm clocks go off and a lot of people rise and get ready to go to work. The information we glean from knowing that simple pattern will continue is breathtaking from an investors standpoint. But what really blows me away is risk tolerance. People have the uncanny knack of underestimating the emotional load of of potentially being wrong which leads them to throw in the towel at the worst time and price, i.e. the best place for market-makers and astute traders. This is my focus.
Anyway...I've got to get on w/ my own day here. But I do look forward to more thoughtful posts from yourself Doc, and from everyone else who has an idea or two but was previously inclined not to post because they did not want the aggravation of unconstructive critisicim.
Thanks again!