A "narrow-back" is what the Irish rural people call a city person -- "a Dubliner". Just bought the new grill w/ that new "tru infared" grills -- that was for the wife's birthday. She lovers it. Bought a Toro mower that works pretty good. Advertised to start on one pull so that should work.
I'm envious of your tiller for sure. Next year. Gotta' get that shed in first according to the boss. She fed me home made blueberry pancakes this fine morning so I must be doing something right.
Hey I just exited the first half of a short euro trade too. See chart. Got in on the first signal just after the # and had to sweat out that little rally. Then I reset my profit objective to that second signal to make sure I didnt' need a new low to exit that 1st half. Break-even stop in now and letting it ride on a Friday. You know how we do it.
And I thank my old friend ICD for introducing us.
Have a great weekend Sir!