Re: This IS sedition...
Stalin was a bad man.
I'm no lefty because I know how dangerous a place the world still is.
I do have a tolerance for government spending because I understand the velocity of money is around 7% for most working class people. If you give $1 to a worker who pays a 14% tax rate -- poor people pay their full taxes cuz they can't afford an accountant and they fear authority/government -- that $1 will get spent an average of 7 times. If all 7 people who get paid that dollar -- mostly retail workers, and handyman/contractors, and warehouse workers -- pay 14% in taxes then the G gets 98 cents back -- the G gets paid upfront because it takes the money from their checks directly
This is why Bernanke jokingly said he'd throw money from a helicopter to stimulate the economy.
If you give money to a wealthy person in the form of a tax break the money goes into an investment or trust where the velocity is zero.
Most conservative folks don't care about this because at the end of the day they see people getting something for nothing and this goes against their mindset and the mindset of the generations that came before them. It's easier for them to ##### about their taxes. Seems crazy to me -- someone who always pays taxes ahead of time and never lets the accountant cut corners -- that conservatives should ##### about taxes when their the biggest corner cutters, and have no idea how good they have had it when a democrat was in the white house.
It may make fiscal and economic sense to get more money into the hands of people who spent it, but the righties can never afford to admit that. They're heads would explode.
Lefties are fools because they don't know how dangerous the world is, but most righties are either economic ignoramuses or hypocrites.