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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

In Response To: Re: KILLER FAUCI...?? *LINK* ()

That was a good link. Seemed accurate.

After a few months of this crap I gave up on worrying about it. It required more energy than I was willing to put forth. I was talking to one of my nephs who is very much minded like me. We were talking about it when I said...I refuse to live in fear...and I meant it.

They almost got me to capitulate to the jab when one of our talk radio personalities supposedly died from covid but as we move further away from that time...I have come to realize he died because he followed the protocol prescribed by the "powers that be". Went home until he got so sick he had to go to the hospital where he was poisoned with resdimavere and then ventilated and then intubated...in short...he was murdered by ignorance and politics. He should have stockpiled some hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin...maybe even found a hospital doing the monoclonal antibodies...he, more than likely, would still be with us.

Other than one lapse in common sense I have stood by my refusal to live in their fear.

The neph and I were again talking about the scamdemic the other day and he repeated what I had said to him some months prior...I refuse to live in fear!

No telling who he said that to between then and when I first said it to him...change the mind set one person at a time.