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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: why not evrybody gets $10k???

with chips at 6 bucks a bag already...I think you underestimate the cost of large one ingredient.

found Boston Butt on sale, this weekend, for $0.99 per pound...bought 80lbs...turned 60lbs into sausage. At 99 cents I figure that's the lower portion of the shoulder(still called Butt) butt, butt, butt it still makes good sausage. It was an opportune time for a sale as we had just run out of the last batch the week prior. I'll lay this batch in for 1.20 per pound after seasoning and bag cost...not bad.

we bought a stick of our "used to be favorite" sausage from the store...could barely stand to eat it! Nasty, fat laden crap for 4 something a pound.