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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

root canal...

Had a root canal done yesterday by a group of dentist who specialize in root canals.

I remember growing up the words root canal were words that you never wanted to hear according to most people who had them done. They acted like they were akin to the dreaded back surgery...two things you wanted to avoid at all cost. Those two things were something you'd rather have your peepee yanked off instead of encountering.

I'd had a root canal done...yen years ago by my regular dentist but he no longer does them...claims the place he sent me to was far better than he. He was right about that. The only pain I felt was the shot to numb my tooth and that was more or less like being pinched. Took about an hour twenty and I came near falling asleep in the chair. Instant X-rays so you could see what he did. Noticed where he had put a little round hole at the very tip of the nerve channel...as a relief structure to keep the root canal from splitting the tooth any further than the canal originally went...much like drilling a hole at the terminal point of a split piece of wood in order to stop the split from continuing any further...I presume this at least.

Anyway...pain free procedure with newer technology but main is it expensive these days...2K by the time the scans etc are counted in...minus whatever dental insurance covers and that doesn't count the crown that has to be fitted by the regular dento. Another, at least 750, I would imagine...maybe more.