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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: root canal... *LINK*
In Response To: Re: root canal... ()

Washington's false teeth weren't wood.

Contrary to later legend, none of Washington's false teeth were made of wood. Prior to Washington's service in the Revolutionary War, Dr. John Baker, the first dentist to fashion false teeth for Washington, fabricated a partial denture with ivory that was wired to Washington's remaining real teeth. In the 1780s, Washington employed the services of Jean-Pierre Le Mayeur, a French dentist living in America, but it is unclear precisely what dental services Le Mayeur performed.
Le Mayeur probably fashioned a partial set of false teeth for Washington; the Frenchman also advertised he was experienced at "transplanting...put[ting] natural teeth instead of false," but no definitive evidence indicates he attempted such operations on Washington.1 Le Mayeur and Washington quickly became friends, and Le Mayeur was a guest at Mount Vernon on multiple occasions in the mid-1780s.

Nice picture ofhttps://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/false-teeth his falsies at the following Mt. Vernon website .... including a complete detailing of the story.