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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Fast food specials
In Response To: Re: Fast food specials ()

I'm in Northeast Nohio (special emphasis on the "No"). The mayor of Springfield bought lots of houses, during the Nohio RE crisis (2007-2014). Approximate amount of 200; He Section Eighted most of them When the Haitians came in with $3,000.00 per month housing vouchers, most of his $1100;00 per month dumps were "rented" out to Haitians for $2100.00 to $2500.00, courtesy of the federal government and Nohio state funding (compliments of Gov little. Mikki DaWhiner).

Take a drive, find out about teenage girls being chased around by horny Haitians, swinging machetes. Talk to locals and hear them tell you about the voodoo monsters stealing their cats and dogs, for sacrificial purposes and dinner.

The coverup runs from city politicians all of the way to the top (little Mikki DaWhiner), who's also getting quite a take.

It ain't funny, folks. That sh-t is actually happening.