Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Trading Tip #11: Healthy respect for the markets *LINK*
USDX North, GBP South? *LINK*
Re: USDX North, GBP South? *LINK*
Weather March 5-12 *LINK*
Re: Weather March 5-12/CJ
Nat. Gas: Sell, Sell, Sell Call Options :)
dec corn hedges *LINK*
Re: dec corn hedges
Re: dec corn hedges *LINK*
Re: dec corn hedges
Re: dec corn hedges
Re: dec corn hedges
Natural Gas (2.550) : Critical Point 2.322 *LINK*
April Nat Gas/ Tighter and Tighter Range *PIC*
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter and Tighter Range *PIC*
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter & Tighter Range/Randolf
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter & Tighter Range/Randolf
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter & Tighter Range/Randolf
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter & Tighter Range/Randolf
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter and Tighter Range
Re: April Nat Gas/ Tighter and Tighter Range
Re: Apri Nat Gas/ Tighter and Tighter Range/Trades
April Crude & Gasoline Continue to Rally *PIC*
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Continue to Rally
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Continue to Rally
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Cont to Rally/Trades/CJ
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Cont to Rally/Trades/CJ
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Cont to Rally/Lee/CJ
Re: April Crude & Gasoline Cont to Rally/Lee/CJ
New home sales in January at 321,000 annual rate
The Sugar Rat Continues to Rally Strong *PIC*
UMich sentiment rises to 75.3 in February
Geithner: Economy, Iran causing OIL price rise
Re: weather Feb 27-March 5th #2H/CJ
Nat. Gas: Sell, Sell, Sell Call Options :)
Tungsten belongs to nonferrous metal *LINK*
The low-temperature titanium alloy support F35 R & *LINK*
Oil futures end at highest since May *PIC*
Re: Oil futures end at highest: XLE vs. Crude Oil *PIC*
Re: Bellies
Re: Bellies
Re: Bellies
Re: Bellies
Re: Bellies
Re: April Crude/At Major Resistance
Re: new job...ntr
Re: CRUDE OIL 7-10 Sell Signal generated
Oil futures vie for gains after supply report *XLE *PIC*
Natural gas futures trade lower after supply data *PIC*
Fed's Fisher: No need for QE3 given improved data *PIC*
Re: limitup - Two of the oldest still around :)
Re: limitup - Two of the oldest still around :)
Re: limitup - Two of the oldest still around :)