Nope You can't own machine guns in Canada either. They are 'prohibited' firearms. Get caught with one of those in your position and you will likely spend time in jail. Even assault rifles are considered restricted firearms just like all hand guns and can only be used at an approved range for target shooting and you must be a member of a gun club of some sort. Hunting rifles can be owned and carried around with trigger locks on. And getting a restricted firearms licence is not a quick and easy task either. And if you have serious offences on your record then forget about applying for one. A licence requires a course and test. And then it must be updated every 5 years. And one best not forget to reapply 'before' the 5 year term is up or you will then be in possession of restricted firearms without a valid licence. That is a serious offence. They will also occasionally ask to speak to your spouse when reapplying and ask them if they have any objection to you owning a restricted firearm. And all 4" and under hand guns were banned and are also 'prohibited' firearms too. Only hand guns with barrels longer are legal. So it is a hassle but I like most of the laws because I know very few people as a percentage owns firearms. They are too lazy to go to the trouble now. I don't mind. Nice to know that. Road rage won't see me shot as well and I also know my neighbour wont be shooting at targets in the back yard with me behind the bushes mowing my lawn and getting hit with bullets. Just don't hear of those things anymore thankfully. Gangs still have all the guns they wish of course but they tend to shoot themselves mainly. And the cops tend to focus on them.