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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
In Response To: Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee ()

OK, I think we have pretty much covered it - as long as we stick to the "facts of 7-10" and not go off on a tangent.

Now, for an observation.
The bar for day 7 qualifies by a hair at the moment. As long as price does not go above 2.441 it will be a valid bar for day 7.

For the low, it only makes it by 0.002 ... what if it were 0.0 - would it be a valid down day, or an "inside day" ????

Now, if you would like to discuss my views on Ng, we can do that separately. E.G. Why I am willing to short it here (carefully). I think this market may see sub $2, possibly by June. But then, it may not !!! Sound wishy washy ??? There are a number of reasons it could go either way - later on that.

I already have a buy set up in my spread sheet at 2.441 --- so we'll see ....
I understand the 50/50 logic - in this case - large up, small down .........

Then we'll figure out where to place the "protective stop" -- comment ???

Thanks, Lee