Looks like we have an "Inside day" for Day 10 Fri. 3/9.
I have a High for the day of 2.327 and had to stay below 2.335
So, where are we !!???
Monday could produce another "inside day" IFF Price LTEQ 2.327 AND GTEQ 2.268
an Up Day IF Price GT 2.327 in which case the 7-10 sequence ends with a "Buy signal" at Price = 2.327. Note: these numbers are for the prior inside day. Or, is the "inside day" to be "totally ignored" and the numbers from the last valid down day used ??
I stop here until we resolve this question. I will then complete this with the stop and then go forward with the other possibilities.
My intent is to try to "program this" with conditional orders.
Also, if a "buy signal" is generated at say "noon" is that when you would invoke the buy order ?? Seems to me that that would be the logical time to do it.
== means "defined to be"
IFF == If and Only If
LT == Less Than ,,, GT == Greater Than
LTEQ == Less Than or Equal you get the drift here.
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