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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
In Response To: Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR ()

I'm not sure where you are coming from on this !!!!
"if it gets a bit lower overnight would be day 9

passing 2.343 is the buy signal...

weekly low is 2.23x...... keep that in mind

big big report tomorrow.. "
Day nine (9) began at 6pm eastern tonight per your post of yesterday. No clue what you mean by this comment!!!

Price of 2.343 was yesterday's high (day 8) and I agree that that would be the buy signal[price level] going forward into day 9

"weekly low is 2.23x...... keep that in mind" No clue why you are bringing this up ?????
- But, it is or is pretty close to a 10 year low

"big big report tomorrow.. " No clue what you mean by this .....

What makes it "any 'bigger' " than any other weekly Thursday storage report !!!????

Not giving you a hard time at all, but these are points I do not understand from your post.

I do observe that the trading after that dip this morning around 10am was rather muted/flat. Strikes me that the players have little conviction on what tomorrow will bring !!!!

Thanks, Lee