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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: WTI Breaks 90 To the Upside


Get yourself a rear-tine tiller...much easier to operate, in my opinion. Don't need to be a huge tiller either, you can get by with tilling up the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. If you're handy with mechanical stuff...maybe get a used one...fix it up...if you can find one.

A few tomato plants go a long way. Okra, if you like Okra, makes a lot of food per plant and they make it over a long period of time. Okra is mostly a weed and grows just about anywhere with little need of really good soil. Squash...three or four squash plants makes more than you and several other can eat. Zucchini, same. Cucumbers, if you like them, same...comes in by the boatload. Peppers do well and produce a lot of fruit. Bell peppers, banana peppers, all kinds of peppers make for good spices. Lettuce usually does well but only for a while...hard to keep it past the season.

There are two types of tomatoes...determinant and indeterminant. Determinants set however tomatoes the plant will make right off the bat and that's all they'll make. Then there's indeterminants plants that produce an indeterminant amount of tomatoes all season long. Cherry tomato plants are indeterminant plants...they continually make tomatoes all season.

I would advise putting out several cherry varieties of cherry tomatoes. Sweet one hundred, etc. Four of those plants will make a ton of tomatoes. The cherry tomatoes have the most flavor, I think. They make bunches and bunches. and they don't seem to be as fickle as some of the common tomatoes like better boy, Beefsteak etc. I use them to make fresh salsa. Yummy.

Plant your plants far enough apart that your tiller will fit between the plants...makes weed control much easier when you can run the tiller between the plants instead of using a hoe so much.

learn how to can. Can if you can. We canned a few pints of salsa from leftover tomatoes last fall. We broke into some of that last month. Man...the fresh tomato taste was a welcome change of pace for the winter.

Start gathering your canning supplies now. They are seasonal in that everybody wants the stuff when they have way too many tomatoes in the garden. The last couple of years the stuff was hard to find because peeps started gardening and canning due to being home from the shutdowns.

On another note...we but lots of beans and rice for survival purposes. You have to cook the beans for an hour and a half or more which requires more fuel but beans are good for you...the more you eat the more you toot...the more you toot the better you feel...so eat beans the magical fruit. Something like that. 😁

And, they stick to your ribs...as the old saying goes.

😁Peanut butter keeps forever. I jokingly say it has the half-life of U238.

Good luck...have fun.