Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

The Trading Forum is intended for the open discussion of commodities trading. The management of this Forum does not agree or disagree with the ideas exchanged, and does not exert editorial control over the message posted herein. Read and post at your own risk. The risk of loss in trading or commodities can be substantial. We discourage the use of this Forum to promote trading that is acknowledged to be risky. Please note: many links from the Forum lead to pages on other web sites. We cannot take responsibility for nor endorse the information presented on those sites.

TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Re: Trades... take a look/ Trades
Re: Trades... take a look/ STR *LINK*
Re: Trades... take a look/ Trades
Sept Crude/ Breakout/Pullback "test" *PIC*
U.S.$ Index/Breaking Out! *PIC*
To release or not to release!!.................. *NM* *PIC*
30yr n 10 yr treasuries
Re: 30yr n 10 yr treasuries
Re: 30yr n 10 yr treasuries
Re: 30yr n 10 yr treasuries
Re: 30yr n 10 yr treasuries
CL U2 Fibonacci spiral at work *PIC*
Friend of the family!! *NM* *PIC*
Re: ES U2 Fibonacci spiral at work *PIC*
..Another doll!! *NM* *PIC*
What a doll! *NM* *PIC*
weather July 31-Aug 7th
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th/CJ/Limitup
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th w/Ng/CJ
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th w/Ng/CJ/trades
Re: weather July 31-Aug 7th w/Ng/CJ/trades
Negative rate of interest
Dec Coffee *PIC*
USD/CHF : Critical Point 0.9849 *LINK*
Re: "g" NTR/Kitaro/Doc
Re: "g" NTR/Kitaro/Doc/
Re: "g" NTR/Kitaro/Doc/
EUR/USD : Critical Point 1.1992 *LINK*
Re: EUR/USD : Critical Point 1.1992
Nifty Weekly Trend-23 July-27 July 2012 *LINK*
Commodity Weekly Report-23 July-28 July 2012 *LINK*
Currency Weekly Report-23 July-27 July 2012 *LINK*
Re: Margin Requirements - Could it Happen?/Jim
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Continues to Chew at Resistance
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Continues to Chew at Resistance *PIC*
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Continues to Chew at Resistance
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Chewing at Resistance/Tricky *PIC*
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Continues to Chew at Resistance *LINK*
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Chewing at Resistance/g
Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Chewing at Resistance/g/Trades
Re: Sept Nat Gas & DX Chewing at Resistance/g *PIC*
Re: Sept Nat Gas & DX - TWLZ episode //g/Trades *LINK*
Re: Margin Requirements - Could it appen?/Tricky/A
Re: Margin Requirements - Could it appen?/Tricky/A
Re: Margin Requirements - Could it appen?/Tricky/A
Re: Crude Oil (CLU12) ...Update *PIC*
Re: Margin Requirements - Could it appen?Lee
Re: Wheat - ZWU12 reversing!? .. update *PIC*