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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
In Response To: Re: Indecion time ()

well, it's been a spell since i've seen the joint, and I saw the subject line "indecision time" (spelling)? and saw Mr. Wayne Fisher posting.
well, neither word indecision or my friend Mr. Wayne Fisher's name on a commodity trading forum is not unusual ... BUT ...

The words indecision AND Wayne Fisher's name in the same sentence, post, subject line, etc., is very unusual. Cause I've never known Wayne Fisher to have any indecision at any time what so ever! EVER!

If it were true, well, I just don't think so.

Been a long dry spell, just thought to poke in and say hello.

Must have a little indecision myself, as I'm getting a bit older.

Still, trading is good, shooting is still good.

But as my wife been saying, everything shrinks with age.

Glad to see your post Wayne, always loved reading 'em .

Be well