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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
In Response To: Re: Indecion time ()

Glad you you enjoy the posts. I don't generally have the energy I used to in order to really get down writing anymore. You know what they say about that...I can still get down, it's the getting up that's the problem. :))

"please forgive my prior post." Why? I didn't find anything out of order about it. I appreciate the thoughts. I never considered that a bullet being extremely accurate at one range may not be at another. Like I say...I never tested these boattails at 100...I just assumed if it was hitting like it was at 250, they had to be pinpoint closer. Maybe they're not. They weren't doing worth a poop the other day. I know, though, some of that was me...had to be. LOL

Yes, please do post some trading stuff.

What is Quantower and an IB?