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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
In Response To: Re: Indecion time ()

Hello Wayne!

I read your post twice and I have a good time always, thank you!

West Tex, I have some recollection of the area, yup see for miles and hotter than hades. Got lots of room for a .50 cal, ohhh baby.

Women by the dozens?! I don't doubt it .... at all, lol

I know those Armalites, offf, talk about heavy, but shoot well. Sold a few whwn I had my license

Wished I live next door in what I'm guessing hills with good forestry where you live, then I can say "Damn, more shooting with my neighbor, heh".

Thanks for the thoughtful posts Wayne, would like to hang out here a bit more. Perhaps Mike may incorporate a cover charge here to read ... :The epistles of Sir Wayne, a verbal Judo force, for good!

Let the good shots and great trades be yours.