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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
In Response To: Re: Indecion time ()

I decided a while back that since I don't shoot anything like I used to, mainly because I no longer have the space available and it's just damned costly these day, that I would buy a bunch of one kind of ammo, zero the gun for that round and that would be the round that I would shoot in that gun...presumably until I was no longer here. That theory was working well until I un-zeroed the thing.

I never did try to zero it at 100 yards. I just did it at 250 because I liked the trajectory at that zero. +4 @150, 0@250, -4@300...figured that was a hold on from zero out to 300 yards depending on what you were shooting at. I can't say as I've ever tried it at 100...always 250 where the last time I shot it I got a 1.25-1.50 inch group at 250. If my math is correct that's 1/2 MOA. That aint bad for something that's designed to be a battle rifle with scope for same 1.25-4...made for really in close to maybe 300 yards...in my mind.

At any rate, I no longer have enough of this High end stuff to fill all available mags. I think I'll get a few different brands of ammo and see which ones work the best at 100 yards then lay in enough of those to fill all the mags and call it done.

I'm pretty sure my days of being ready for the 500+ yard running hissy fit are over. The odds of that ever happening have been, as it turns out so far, zero and I'm thankful for that. But...I always felt it a mans duty to be prepared for things like that, just in case. I find myself divesting myself of certain of my guns as it is...family pieces going to family. Then I find myself concerned by how few of my fam members are not even close to having the need to be able to "join in" should the need arise...despite my teaching such things to them as they grew. I have no idea how that disinterested mind works.

Anymore...I'm going off what I figured a long while back...where's the best place to be in a gun fight? Not there. 😁😁👍