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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
In Response To: Re: Indecion time ()

Hello Mr. Vaper...a very long time no see, Sir.

I bought some tools with which to improve accuracy by perfecting the contact points between scope, mounts, rings, and rifle. To do some align boring of the rings. Big mistake as I took apart my finely tuned AR-10 and scope to perform "flea off a gnats asss" shooting improvements. I went to zero said rifle with scope at 100 yards just a few weeks ago. When prior to this expedition I was quite confidently laying in nice small groups at 250 yards, I now could barely manage 2-3 inches at 100 yards. The fault, I'm pretty sure, not lying with the quality of my work, or the scope, or the gun...no...I'm afraid it was the quality of the shooter behind the gun as he has aged to a ripe old age of 65 and my old eyes are leading the parade of degradation.

I was quite wholly disgusted at the performance of everything involved most especially myself. Where once I was confident I could reasonably expect to transect an eyeball peering around cover at 250 yards with a Hornady 168 grain hollow point boattail match grade bullet...I now find myself in question as to whether or not I can hit the building from whence the perpetrator peers. It was a sad, sad, day to discover that the accuracy I depended on to set the worlds transgressors, should the need ever arise, onto their path to meet their maker for nearly 50 years was no longer there. I find myself taking inventory of my bulging cache of, and I say this in great disgust, shotguns! The shooting instrument of the infirmed and desperately aged.

Quite depressed, I do find some brief solace in the thinking that I did purchase said gun with multi-popping capabilities for this eventual outcome. So, there is some solace in knowing I, if called to, could lay down suppressive fire.

It could also be that a solution lies in the pleasure of more shooting to re-hone my skills.

It was good to see, like a comet of great orbit, you make your return appearance to the somewhat defunct and decidedly decrepit sight of geriatric commodity trading discussion, such that it is. It may be advisable to shorten your hiatus time lest you venture back to find it has vanished, due to lack of activity, like a fart in a whirlwind.

Good hearing from you, old friend...