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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Indecion time
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Oh no, not that word jujitsu thing, a trait I apparently possess that I have no idea I am in possession of. My sister used to save my writings and bring them out at Christmas time for reading and laughter. Old Professor friend has three, big, three ring binders full of e-mails I had written over the decades. He and his wife would print them, punch holes in the paper and then into the three ringers they'd go. People all the time telling me I should be a writer. I'm like...sure, he who spells "cat"...d-o-g should write what, exactly? But there it is, something some people see in me that I don't see in myself. It's like having a magical foot long Johnson that all the little girlies like yet all you see is a dangling meat member put there by god. I just don't see what other see in the way I write...but it's cool...if peeps enjoy it all the much better.

Old professor friend(OPF) and I were out doing something and had wandered onto forbidden ground without checking in with the proper fellow of authority, his authority being his soul prized possession in his life. I started talking him off the ledge and we wound up having a nice time. OPF is relating this event to his gorgeous wife upon our arrival back at the homestead. Told her the story of our adventure with this statement describing my actions..."then Wayne broke out that old Fisher charm and...". When he said that I'm like...whoa, what? I have charm? Me? The guy who went most of his younger and abler days ready to pound you with a knuckler as to look at you...has...charm. I thought surely that if I possessed any of that it was to be found in the fact that I didn't punch your face in.

Proving, I suppose that you just don't ever know how peeps see you.

Someone asked, do you make a good first impression. My answer, how the hell would you know that? I don't believe in my entire life I've had anyone say to me...hey, you left a good first impression. My idea of a good first impression was if I got off that all important first hit and left visible impressions of my knuckles on a face. Know what I mean? LOL

But, apparently, to some people, I have a charm that I'm capable of wielding on my command like a highly skilled Samurai. I guess that's why the women used to fall into my bed by the dozens a day...not.

Hmmm...more interesting comments about the mighty 308. I think I have decided "long range vs short range" is a geographical term varying from one place to the next. From my days in west Texas, long range would be considered +1000 yards because it's common to be able to see for miles. Out here in the middle of TN, long range might be more like 300-500 yards because it can be hard to come by open fields due to tree lines and hills and valleys. The avg deer shot out here is said to be about 75 yards. I understand our description of range has no bearing on the physics of bullet flight.

I am aware, since I own some AR-15's with differing barrel twists that the older twist consumes the 55 grain bullet better while the more modern twist prefers the 62 grain pellet. Looks like I might want to do some experimenting with the 308. Damn, it...more shooting!

I bought, when I bought the AR-10, a true AR-10 by Armalite, by the way, I bought a couple hundred rounds of some Argentinian military surplus ammo with, I think, 142-ish grain FMJ for plinking and last bastion of hope noise making and general lead slinging in the chit hit the fan scenario. While trying to zero the other week the point of impact between the 168's and the military surplus was pretty big.

Looking forward to some charts as this is what this place is here for...Mike being a gracious host for letting us blather on about things other than strictly trading.

Over and out from your charming friend...🤣🤣