Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

The Trading Forum is intended for the open discussion of commodities trading. The management of this Forum does not agree or disagree with the ideas exchanged, and does not exert editorial control over the message posted herein. Read and post at your own risk. The risk of loss in trading or commodities can be substantial. We discourage the use of this Forum to promote trading that is acknowledged to be risky. Please note: many links from the Forum lead to pages on other web sites. We cannot take responsibility for nor endorse the information presented on those sites.

TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

And Speaking of Wayne ...
More Livermore *LINK*
Re: More Livermore
Re: More Livermore
In search of a broker
I love Big Ben
March Cocoa/Breakout Still Holding *PIC*
Nat. Gas. Watch the Fib retracment,then down again *LINK*
MF Global/How Healthy is Your Broker *LINK*
Gold&Silver/Outperforming the Stocks/Still *PIC*
Aussie Dollar/Nice Breakout *PIC*
Gold breaking out! *PIC*
Fed extends low-rate pledge through late 2014 *PIC*
March Nat Gas/ Bouncing Back *PIC*
Re: March Nat Gas/ Bouncing Back/Trades
IMF presses ECB to take hit on Greek bonds: report *PIC*
Oil continues lower; EIA posts crude supply rise *PIC*
Precious Metals Commentary - Bob Hoye *PIC*
F-Cattle Market *LINK*
Re: Eat the Rich/NTR
Common Sense Obituary/NTR
Re: Common Sense Obituary/NTR
Re: Common Sense Obituary/NTR
Re: Common Sense Obituary/NTR
March Cocoa/Breaking Out *PIC*
Re: March Cocoa/Breaking Out
U.S.$ Index/Testing Short Term Support *PIC*
IMF cuts world growth outlook as euro fears rise
Corn Repetitive Cycle *PIC*
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle/Randolf *PIC*
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle/Randolf
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle/Randolf
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle/Randolf
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle
Re: Corn Repetitive Cycle
Gold in Euros *PIC*
Re: Gold in Loonies *PIC*
Re: Gold in Euros / the bull or bear debate *LINK*
Re: Gold in Euros / bull or bear debate / Ronbo *PIC*
Re: Gold in Euros / bull or bear debate / Hal
Euro-zone 'Junk' plus XEU Weekly *PIC*
IMF's Lagarde urges action to avoid 1930s moment *PIC*
Greek bondholders have made their best offer
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Corn
Re: Spirituality for the 1%
Gold Stks/GLD/Overlays/Haligonian *LINK*
Re: Gold Stks/GLD/Overlays/Haligonian
Weather Jan 30-Feb 6th
Re: Weather Jan 30-Feb 6th/NG production cuts *LINK*
Re: Weather Jan 30-Feb 6th/NG production cuts/CJ
Re: Wx Jan 30-Feb 6th/NG production cuts #/CJ *LINK*
Re: Wx Jan 30-Feb 6th/NG production cuts #/CJ
Re: Wx Jan 30-Feb 6th/NG production cuts #/CJ
Good morning all :) *LINK*