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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Drought Worsens/3 Grain ETF/Randolf *PIC*
In Response To: Drought Worsens *PIC* ()

BIBICAL PROPORTIONS? Jeez Randolf I hope you aren't getting religious on us. Too many of that type out there now with their glazed over eyes and various scriptures they want "all of us" to die for. But to your point about Corn and Soybeans here is a chart of an ETF (or ETN) made up of Corn,Soybeans and Wheat: JJG. Presently at resistance but it is a nice mix of the Grains if one is a believer in all this weather related stuff continuing without reverting back to regular weather. The weather does typically max out at extremes and then promptly returns to a normal pattern. Meanwhile resistance is resistance presently regardless but can be traded both ways just like a stock. Combining the 3 Grains into one market to trade does make for a choppy chart mind you but catches the trend of them collectively. Just one more way to skin a cat.