And what you still haven't figured out yet is no one is arguing with the fact that 'some' markets can go lock limit as this has occur ed ever since markets were created. You seem to be the only one waiting for the world to come to an end. Don't hold your breath. It's not going to. Even if the b.s. you read says so. My eyes are not glazed over like so many so I can see clearly. My point is and always has been a price chart is the only evidence of price behaviour from every trader out there collectively. And reading a few pamphlets on chart reading doesn't make you good and understanding what the message is. It takes decades to truly see what a chart is saying and the possibilities. The net if filled with novice technical analysts that think they can read a chart. AND if you have exposed your trading account to the possibility of getting killed then you are a freakin' idiot and don't deserve to have a trading account in the 1st place. Risk kills most everything including trading accounts. If you can't protect yourself in a trade then you shouldn't be putting it on. It seems like some traders are like junkies and get their fix from trading volatile markets in extreme conditions. I'm not one of them as I like to keep my money and have done so since the late 60's without a lot of trouble. You can have these type of markets and throw the dice if you wish. Any trade I put on will not be exposed to such stupidity. I've seen too many gamblers that try to trade markets like this and they all end up broke. Lots of ways of trading related markets without the extreme risk. But then there isn't the "RUSH" so many traders seem to need either. I don't trade for the RUSH unlike many so am not pissing my pants about the freakin'weather as unlike yourself it really doesn't matter matter much to me. The chart will tell the tale as it always has once you learn to understand the message. And even then you don't throw the dice and go for broke on any trade blindly betting on price OR the weather. Only a complete idiot would make a trade like that. But betting on weather will give you the "RUSH" you seem to desperately need with these volatile markets. It would be cheaper to take drugs instead.