Hi All,
Drought worsens and threatens our canoe trip,
I am planning a new trip for July 27 , 2012 to the home of one of the earliest Indian settlements.
The excursion will consist of a trip to the Cherokee Nation, and a guided tour along the river which runs through it.
Cost of the river trip is $1,580.00 P/P which includes food.
If you'd like to go too, book early, as I anticipate space will be extremely limited.
We'll do some sight seeing, wildlife photography and that sort of thing. The highlight of the trip will be the river tour with white water rapids.
What makes the trip especially meaningful is that our river guide is a full-blooded Cherokee; born and raised in the area, and extremely knowledgeable of the territory and any obstacles we may encounter on our journey.
If you are interested, let me know as soon as possible.
This trip is often sold out a year in advance.
See attached image.
Don't forget ... let me know if you would like a spot on the trip.
Regards, Chief Beaver Hunter