Also I guess I should mention this is a very special Canada Day celebration going on across the country,especially in Ontario. It was 200 years ago that Canada defeated the U.S. invasion of Canada in 1812 ordered by President James Madison. He thought with Britain busy fighting Napoleon and next to no British troops in Canada it would be an excellent time to get rid of British rule in Canada once and for all. British ships had also been a pain in the ass with American ships on the Great Lakes in a variety of ways. In fact President Madison convinced congress that being that a large percentage of Canadians were in actual fact Americans simply living in Canada that they would welcome an invasion of U.S. troops. WRONG! The Americans that had come to Canada were what they called Loyalists that were true to the British government and not the revolutionary anti government types that remained in the U.S. In fact many of them had their assets seized and stolen by Americans that hated them for not supporting the revolution. So they were no friends of U.S. troops invading. Hard to believe that President would have come to his conclusion really. The U.S. attacked a variety of times but in the end lost any hope of defeating Canadian troops and Native Indians and regular resident defenders and gave up the attacks. So that makes this celebration a little more special than normal. It does make you wonder about the conclusions these politicians come to.