Re: My rant to Trump on Facebook...
"After his "Criminal Justice Reform" ... I gave up." I hear ya.
The other day after Texas and Ohio he gave a speech and in that speech he condemned evil in general and had to throw in there..."white supremacist". What?
Later I heard a talking head say that Ivanka had tweeted something about white supremacist. I fear that the liberal Ivanka and her wimp of a husband, Jared, both have the ear of Trump.
The Woman and I will be watching the news...on occasion, I will say to her...hmmmm, I don't remember electing Ivanka and Jared as my President.
It's either that or, as I originally feared of the man, he is reverting to his old democrat ways.
He always gets me gong about something he does then he redeems himself when what he actually did comes out. I heard him elaborate on "smart background checks" after I had written my screed. He had mentioned that he thought we needed to bring forward a kids criminal convictions after he turns of age instead of expunging or sealing them. I could go with something like that, unless otherwise convinced of the error of my thinking.
The Red Flag laws though, those are a blaspheme to the constitution and Due process, among other things.
When comprising with the Devil you always have to capitulate to some evil. Why he thinks he can deal with the democrats is beyond me.