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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

My guess

reading the boards Big inflation is coming sooner than later.....the Powers-that-be may be able to pull a quick rug-pull beforehand...but, there's no other way out of this. the dollar is toast and stock up on salted meats. and ammo. What is a gun worth if there is no ammo?

I got a job at 70 with WMT. Just so I will have first access to merchandise. My feet hurt but I need to make sure my offspring survive best.

We have .22 but nothing else, at the moment. Birdshot but no slugs that I've seen recently.

I got no wife, no pets (except some neighborhood beggars that come around on occasion). My kids are solid middle class. Worth more than me, I'd imagine.

I actually like this job I've had for month. The $2000 month (I'm full time) plus SS is pretty good income.

I walk 5 miles, or so, in a shift. I feel better after a few weeks. I'm going to ask my Doc to reduce my BP medication from 10mg to 5mg per day.

Still, my feet hurt a bit.. My Asics help alot.