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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: My guess
In Response To: My guess ()

What's wmt? Walmart?

I wanted to be a greeter at the local Walmart. I'd make a great greeter. Hey! whut u lookin at...you lookin at me? I'll drop a bomb on yo azz you keep lookin MoFo!!! Get outa my stow!

Grab yourself a bunch of .22's especially if you get an employee discount. I have a saying...the bad guy is gonna have trouble aiming his gun with a .22 stuck in his eye. They're somewhat stealthy. There's a lot of peeps been capped with a two two that didn't survive. In really bad times...22's could be like gold. They'll take a lot of different game...rabbit, squirrel, groundhogs, dogs, cats. Cat...the other white meat.

I used to shoot hogs behind the ear to put them down for slaughter. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a deer at less than 50 yards with one. I'd fully expect it to go down with proper headshot.

Besides all that...it will be good for you to be out amongst the peeps.