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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: My guess
In Response To: Re: My guess ()

I haven't been to a physician's office since 2014, when I had a serious blood clot issue. Prior to that, I haven't sought medical care since 2007 when I had my spine sliced and diced.

In this area, the attending physician, supposed to be your primary care saw bones pill pusher, will (or are supposed to) ask about firearm ownership, hmm and haw, ask some additional questions and place that question-and-answer session into your file.

I would never mention that I even own any firearms, much less show him/her a shirt pocket revolver. I am certain that the authorities would be called.

You have a GREAT physician. Where were you able to locate such a provider? Any hints, clues, recommendations, etc., would be appreciated.

Thank you, in advance, for your advice.