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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: My guess
In Response To: Re: My guess ()

when my "families doctor" of who knows how many decades retired...I sought this guy out based mostly on location...he was a little closer to home.

I got to liking him because he wasn't a cattle herder. He would spend time with his patients. Listen to us. You go in and you'll never get in on time because he does spend time with each of us and that puts him behind most times.

Me, being a relatively easy case, gave time for talk about other things...like politics...turns out he is a conservative. He wasn't a gunner but lately, within the last three or so years has become one and is prepping up hard core. he keeps telling me about his newest purchases. If either of us had a place to shoot, I'm sure we'd become shooting buds.

Unless I have a specific concern about health...we sound like members of a right wing conspiracy congregation.

Before I came to trust him I never mentioned anything about guns and he never asked...another thing I liked about him.

I mostly got lucky when I found him.

The skull base surgeon who saved my life by operating on that fungus in my sphenoid cavity could beat me with a whip and I'd still go back and see him because he's the best. I don't care that he doesn't laugh much or seem terribly personable but he's coming around. I saw him today as a matter of fact and he's loosening up some...I guess because I've been seeing him for what...5-6 years.

Generally speaking, though, if I'm seeing a new doctor and they can't laugh or be personable...man...I'll find someone else if there's a choice of doing so. I don't trust people who can't or won't laugh a little...or take a little time to at least make me feel like I'm something other than another bovine he runs through his office to make a buck.