Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Horror movie *NM* *PIC*
yari yari ya ya *NM* *PIC*
Merry Christmas to All *NM*
Re: Merry Christmas to All
Re: cotton leads the way/Wayne
Merry Christmas to All *NM*
Re: question about xmas holiday trading
question about xmas holiday trading
Merry Christmas to all my friends and enemies-lol
Re: Christmas Message/""R""
Thank you
Re: A proven trading methods is a good thing /Wins
Re: British Pound ...../James *NM*
Re: Christmas Message/""R""
Re: Christmas Message - R :)
Re: Christmas Message/""R"" *PIC*
Re: Christmas Message/""R"" *PIC*
Christmas Message from - NOT the pope..
Happy Holidays and New Years :) *NM*
Market Trends: Preferred Trading Plan Components
Wall Street's Thursday Lunch Options
Re: British Pound ...../James
Re: the end is near ..........
Re: British Pound ...../James/
Re: Merry Christmas all
Re: beans
Re: OH NOOO.The Sugar RAT is Breaking out AGAIN!!!
Re: beans
Re: OH NOOO.The Sugar RAT is Breaking out AGAIN!!!
Re: Weeweechu...lol!! *NM*
Re: March Cotton/Breakdown
March Cotton/Breakdown *PIC*
OH NOOO.The Sugar RAT is Breaking out AGAIN!!! *PIC*
Feb Live Cattle/ Bumping it's Channel Top *PIC*
Year-over-year core inflation remains at low 0.8%
Re: Crude /Hal/Trades/everyone
Today's Market View - Grains and Meats
Re: British Pound ...../James/
the end is near .......... *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James/ *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James/
Re: after a couple more days like this/lee/ronbo
Re: British Pound ...../James/
Re: British Pound ...../James/
Re: after a couple more days like this/ronbo
Re: British Pound ...../lee
Copper still making higher highs
Re: British Pound ...../James/winseer
Re: British Pound ...../Coral - Trades
Re: after a couple more days like this/Ronbo
Re: Crude /Hal/Trades/everyone
Re: after a couple more days like this/Ronbo
after a couple more days like this *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James
Re: Crude fut end above $90, first since 2008/Hal
Re: Crude fut end above $90/NTR/Trades
Re: British Pound ...../James/Winseer
Re: Crude fut end above $90/NTR/Lee
Re: Crude fut end above $90, first since '08/Trade
Re: Crude fut end above $90, first since 2008/Hal
Re: Crude fut end above $90, first since 2008/Lee
Re: British Pound ...../James
Re: Crude fut end above $90, first since 2008/Hal
Crude-oil futures end above $90, first since 2008 *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James
Re: British Pound ...../Coral *PIC*
Re: A proven trading methods is a good thing /Cora
Re: A proven trading methods is a good thing /Wins
Re: British Pound ...../ Trades
SPX Warning/ Time to Pay Close Attention! *PIC*
March Cotton/ B/O & Bearish Island Reversal *PIC*
Re: British Pound ...../James *PIC*
British Pound ..... *PIC*
Re: 'Twas the Blight Before Christmas - 2010
Re: 'Twas the Blight Before Christmas - 2010
Re: A proven trading methods is a good thing /Wins *PIC*
'Twas the Blight Before Christmas - 2010
Re: A proven trading methods is a good thing /Cora