Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

ASX 200 : Critical Point 4091.2 *LINK*
Learn About Futures for August 11, 2011: Lean Hogs *LINK* *PIC*
Re: Stock Market - Update/Insider
Re: Stock Market - Update/Insider
Re: Stock Market - Update/Insider
Re: nasty gas/Wayne
Re: Dow/Wayne/Lee
Re: Dow/Wayne/Lee/Wayne
Cocoa: Watching this market for a sell *NM*
Re: Dow/Wayne/Lee/Wayne
Re: Dow/Wayne
Natural gas futures revert to gains after data *PIC*
Re: Nat gas futures revert to gains after data/Hal
Re: Nat gas futures revert to gains after data/Lee *PIC*
Re: Nat gas futures revert to gains after data/Hal
U.S. June trade gap widens unexpectedly
Second-quarter GDP view cut after trade data
Weekly jobless claims drop 7,000 to 395,000
Stock Market - Update *LINK*
Re: Wayne post QQ/Wayne/Lee *LINK*
Corn ETF Threatening to make New HIghs *PIC*
Re: Corn ETF Threatening to make New HIghs/Trades
NatGas +Report/Ceejay
Re: NatGas +Report#2/Ceejay
Re: NatGas +Report#2/Ceejay
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
Bean Oil is a sell based on my trading methods *LINK*
T-Bonds is a buy based on my trading methods *LINK*
Nat. Gas is a sell based on mytrading methods *LINK*
S/Franc is a buy based on my magic numbers *LINK*
Re: What this be? ntr
Re: What this be? ntr
Re: What this be? ntr
Hot damn! I'm trading ETFs like futures! *NM*
Hang Seng Index : Current Comments *LINK*
Re: another funny
The Bullion Report for August 10 *PIC*
DJIA : Critical Point 10527
Re: Wayne post QQ/Wayne NTR
Re: Wayne post QQ/Wayne NTR
Re: Wayne post QQ/Wayne
Re: Wayne post QQ/Wayne
Re: another funny}Made my Day!!/Wayne
Soybeans Part II of II *PIC*
Soybeans Part I of II *PIC*
Re: Trades/Cocoa/Andy *PIC*
Re: Trades/Cocoa/Andy
A Federal Reserve Without A Plan
Re: A Federal Reserve Without A Plan
Re: A Federal Reserve Without A Plan
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
Fed Said? Market Did? *LINK* *PIC*
DJIA : Critical Point 10527 *LINK*
Global Warning! (Credit Spreads Widening) *LINK*
Re: Global Warning! - Gold/Silver Ratio *PIC*
Re: Global Warning! - Gold/Silver Ratio
USD/CHF : Current Comments *LINK*
DJIA : Critical Point 10527 *LINK*
Hang Seng Index : Current Comments *LINK*
Full FOMC Statement
Re: Full FOMC Statement
Fed says to hold rates low through mid-2013
Re: Fed says to hold rates low through mid-2013
Re: Stock Market _ Trades/Insider
Link to S&P Ratings List *LINK*
Gold: Interim top in? *PIC*
Re: Gold: Interim top in?
Re: Gold: Interim top in?
Re: Gold: Interim top in?
Re: Gold versus Silver *PIC*
Re: Gold versus Silver
Re: Gold versus Silver/Ronbo
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
Anyone know when next grain report is? *NM*
Re: Anyone know when next grain report is?
Re: Anyone know when next grain report is?
Re: Anyone know when next grain report is?
Re: Anyone know when next grain report is?
DJIA : Critical Point 10527 *LINK*
Gold is hot, hot lol :) *NM*
Weekly Soybeans *PIC*
Hang Seng Index : Current Comments *LINK*
S/Franc and Yen looking good as for trades *LINK*
Fed out of its most powerful bullets: economist
Fed more likely to act Tuesday, economist
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
A Market Review and Opinion Report For 08/07/2011
Why did CEF go down today?
Re: Silver?
Re: Silver?
Re: Silver?
Stock Market Observation *LINK*
Re: Stock Market Observation/Trades
Gold : Current Comments *LINK*
Re: Gold : Current Comments
July climate stats and NG *PIC*
Re: July climate stats and NG
Re: July climate stats and NG
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay NTR
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay *LINK*
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay *PIC*
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay NTR
Re: July climate stats and NG/Ceejay/Hal
Is GLD the real deal or a ponzi scheme?
Dow: As called price hit , blood guts and all *LINK*
Is GLD the real deal or a ponzi scheme?
Re: 10th
Re: Tel Aviv stock exchange halted due to sell off *LINK*
Re: What this be? ntr
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: How iz everyone? my si. thoughts/Trades
Re: How iz everyone? my si. thought/s/Ronbo *PIC*
Re: How iz everyone? my si. thought/s/Trades
Re: How iz everyone? my si. thought/Trades/Ronbo
Re: How iz everyone? my si. thoughts/Ronbo *PIC*
well, gold must be going much, much higher
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: What this be? ntr
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Re: E-Mini 500 , Bounce?
Money Management Turns Mistakes into Profits *LINK* *PIC*
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
Re: Trading Tip #17 : Good News and Bad News
Gold up nicely as called a few weeks ago :) *LINK*
Nat. Gas: Sill looking for 370 area *NM*