Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
Please feel welcome to join in on these informative ongoing discussions about trading futures and commodities.

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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Silver Potential Flag *PIC*
Nat. Gas Market Must Take Out This Support !! *LINK*
Sugar: Writing the calls looks real good :) *NM*
Re: Sugar: Writing the calls looks real good :)
Lee, Are you still using optionxpress?
Nat. Gas maybe 3.70 area, she is falling *NM*
Silver at 54.5% Retracement *PIC*
Re: Silver at 54.5% Retracement
Re: A little about myself, NoSecret & coffee
Re: My current ETF positions, unlucky#13
Re: DOW - Wayne, sell off around 10000 area *NM*
Gold, dame you got to love it lol, up and away *NM*
Re: Gold, dame you got to love it lol, up and awa
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
T-Bonds: 130 area hit as called :) *LINK*
Nat. Gas: looking for target of 401, and 390 area *NM*
Re: Anyone gutsy, Sept. Lumber looks like a buy
Anyone gutsy, Sept. Lumber looks like a buy-gutsy *LINK*
Re: lol - lmbo , lol *NM*
Aussie Dollar/Double Top *PIC*
Re: loll/ThankYou! *NM*
Trades - Other Board NTR
Re: Trades - Other Board NTR/Silverbear
L.N.G/Lee *PIC*
Re: L.N.G/Lee/Trades
Re: Sept Corn
Re: Corn To Retest Highs?/Randolph
Did not expect Gold to move higher! lol *LINK*
Re: Did not expect Gold to move higher. lol /Coral
Did not expect Gold to move higher. lol /Trades
Re: Did not expect Gold to move higher. lol /Trade
Gold/ $100 Rallies/Next Stop $1670's/Lee *PIC*
Re: Gold/$100 Rallies/Next Stop $1670's/Lee/Trades
Re: Other board NTR/Wayne
Re: Other board NTR/Wayne/Trades
Re: Trades - Other board NTR/Silverbear
Randolf - Corn high
Other board NTR
Re: Trades - Other board NTR
Corn To Retest Highs? *PIC*
Re: Corn To Retest Highs?/Randolph *PIC*
Re: Corn To Retest Highs?/Randolph
Sell deep out of the money Coffee calls *LINK*
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
GBP/JPY : Critical Point 126.20 *LINK*
A Market Review and Opinion Report For July 31, 20
Energy Review for The Week of August 1, 2011 *PIC*
EUR/USD : Current Comments *LINK*
Re: My ETF positions/I reversed on the Dow...
Re: Stock Market Update/Wayne
Re: Stock Market Update/Insider
Re: Stock Market Update/Wayne
Re: Stock Market Update/Insider
Re: Stock Market Update/Insider
Commodity Markets / Grains and Meats *LINK*
Aust $: Watch this market to run up more *NM*
NatGas Chart ?/Trades
Re: NatGas Chart ?/Lee *PIC*
Re: NatGas Chart ?/Lee/Trades
Re: Stock Market/Insider
Stuff for Comment ?
Re: Stuff for Comment ?
Re: Stuff for Comment ?/Ceejay
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ *LINK*
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
Re: Stuff for Comment ? Ng/CJ
weather Aug 7-14 and tropical update *PIC*
Re: weather Aug 7-14 and tropical update
T-Bonds: I see 130 area soon ? *NM*
AUD/USD : Critical Point 1.1181 *LINK*
EUR/CHF : Critical Point 1.1254 *LINK*
H/O: Watch for nice break out,14 day congestion *NM*
Nat. Gas Another false break out ? *LINK*
Liberty trading Group nailed it selling options *LINK*
Yen and S/Franc *LINK*